NOTE: It is the responsibility of each member to inform all members of his family to abide by all of the following rules of the club.
A. Since the incorporation of the 5-W Club, the twenty (20) members had an understanding among themselves that the membership would be equally divided between residents of Calhoun County and Etowah County; and further that vacancies shall be filled by vote of the remaining nine (9) members from the county giving rise to the vacancy. As of today's date, there are two members (Pete Cobb and Charles Robinson) who are considered Etowah County members but who do not currently reside in Etowah County. These members and their heirs shall remain and be deemed as Etowah Members for so long as said members and their heirs desire to maintain membership.
B. That due to death or otherwise, a membership may be transferred to the surviving spouse or to an adult child without said membership being considered vacant. If a transfer of the kind immediately described above is not made within 90 days, then the membership shall be declared vacant and said vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the By-laws. The family member that has a membership transferred to them has to be approved by the other members from the county in which they reside, if two or more members from that county vote not to allow that family member to have the membership then it will be filled by the other members from that county.
C. Membership shall be defined as a holder of one (1) unit of membership (husband and wife). It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that all members of his family are aware of and abide by all of the rules and regulations of the club.
D. Members (as defined in D above) with invited guests must be present and on the property at all times with said guests.
E. No fishing permits or club privileges may be extended by a member to any other person or organization.
F. Outside guests shall not to be invited to Club business meetings.
G. Member dues must be paid within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
A. Members must abide by all posted club rules as relates to fishing. The Lake Chairman shall be responsible for posting said rules. These posted rules may change from time to time as needed for re-stocking the lake or for keeping the lake in balance. Members, their children and / or grandchildren and their guests must record every fish, whether it be kept or released.
B. Every person who fishes at the 5W must sign in before fishing.
C. No minnows may be used in fishing in the lake.
A. A member may have at any time up to two (2) "booked" lodge reservations of up to four days. They cannot be on consecutive weekends. Only one of said reservations may be on the following Holidays: New Year's Eve and Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and weekend, and Christmas Eve and Day. If a member has a reservation on the books, but wishes to book a new and earlier reservation while maintaining the current reservations, said member may do so but only so long as the requested new and earlier reservation is booked within 72 hours of the new reservation date.
B. The back bathroom (near the kitchen) cannot be reserved and is available to any member, even if the house is reserved.
C. There are no longer any fees for using the lodge. When using the lodge, it is the Member's responsibility to ensure that the lodge is cleaned upon leaving and suitable for use by the next reservation holding Member. Cleaning the lodge for suitability of use for the next Member shall include, but not be limited to the following: the washing of Club sheets and towels, the putting up of all linens in their proper place in the closet; the cleaning of toilets and showers, the sweeping and/or mopping of all floors, the cleaning out and reloading of all fireplaces; the cleaning out of the grills; and the washing and putting up all dishes. Generally, it is the Members' responsibility to clean the lodge in the same manner and fashion and to the degree that the house cleaning service would.
D. In the event the Member wishes to use the Lodge cleaning service, the member must contact the house cleaners before leaving. The general fee for the lodge cleaning service is currently $60. For groups of six (6) or more who stay overnight at the Lodge, the house cleaning fee is currently $100 or more (arrange with house cleaner). The fee which is arranged with the cleaning service may be more depending on the number of guests and the condition of the Lodge. In the event the Member does not have his own house cleaner, a house cleaner that has been approved by the club is Rita Pressley. She may be contacted via her cell phone which is 256-310-1239.
E. Reservations begin at 12:00 noon and end at 12:00 noon.
F. If any house supplies are getting too low, please contact the house chairman so he will know to replace them. The house chairman is currently Bryant Banks, his cell is 256-504-2643. Supplies to monitor such as paper towels, toilet paper, dish washing liquid, automatic dish washing liquid, charcoal, charcoal lighter, fire starter logs, clothes washing powder, firewood, Murphy's oil soap, hand washing soap, cleaning supplies, etc.
G. Pets are allowed in the clubhouse. It is the member's responsibility to ensure that any and all pet hair is removed from all parts of the lodge, including but not limited to all furniture and bedding. Further, it is the member's responsibility alone to repair any damage to the Lodge caused by his pet(s).
H. If a member wishes to invite more than 25 guests to the Lodge for any event, such member must be present and obtain the approval of the Executive Committee prior to the event. The member is responsible for ensuring that the Lodge is cleaned in accordance with the provisions above.
A. The hunting of ducks on the lake is open to members and their guests.
B. No hunting of squirrels is permitted near the lodge.
C. Only the killing of game birds in season is permitted on club property.
D. The firing of guns after dark on club property is strictly prohibited.
The maintenance of the grounds and fish feeders is done by Warren Preskitt (cell 256-310-4211) and Sheena Preskitt (cell 256-393-2920)
The website of the 5W Lodge which shows the calendar with all reservations is
Approved by majority membership vote.
President - Charles Robinson
Vice President – William Couch
House Chairman – Bryant Banks
Property Chairman – Thomas Roberts
The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, a Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall consist of five members of the Club and a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The officers and directors shall be elected once every two years at the called Fall meeting as described in Section II.
There shall be no regular meetings of the Club but the President or Vice-President shall be empowered to call meetings at any time deemed necessary. The President or Vice President shall also call a meeting upon the written request signed by three (3) or more of members. Said written request shall state the time, place and object of said meeting. Each member shall have one vote at any such meeting. There shall be one (1) called meeting per year and said meeting shall be held in the Fall. Officers shall be elected at this Meeting.
The membership of the Club shall be limited to twenty (20) members. Provided, however, that the membership may be increased to such a number as may be deemed best but only upon the unanimous vote of the Club membership. Since the incorporation of the 5W Club, the Members of the Club have agreed among themselves that membership would be equally divided between residents of Calhoun County and Etowah County. Whenever the membership shall be fewer than twenty (20) members, new members may be elected. Application for membership shall be submitted in writing upon recommendation of any member from the county which gives rise to the vacancy. The President shall then present the name of the applicant to the members of the Club from the home county of the applicant. No applicant shall be elected to membership over the objection of two or more members in good standing who are residents of the same county as the applicant. Election of new members shall be conducted by secret ballot.
The stock purchased by the members of the Club shall be placed in the hands of a holding committee consisting of the Executive, in escrow. In the event of the death, resignation or expulsion of any member the Club shall have the option within ninety (90) days thereafter to reimburse such member or the heirs of such member the amount such member may have paid for his membership. After the expiration of said ninety (90) day period, the hei rs or member may sell a certificate to any person who may be elected to the Club under the procedure explai ned in Section Ill. The value of such membership shall be based on the amount fixed by the Club at the time of such member's election to membership in the Club. No more than one membershi p shall he repurchased by the Club within any ninety (90) day period. In the event of two or more deaths, resignations or expulsions of any mem bers of the Club, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to designate the order of priority each membership may be given for the purposes of repurchasing said membership.
No member shall grant the privileges of the Club property to any non-member. However, a member may extend to non-member guests Club privileges provided such member accompanies such guest. A member or his wife may take one or more friends as guests at any time.
There shall be quarterly dues of $400 currently, dues will be used to pay most expenses the club incurs. Such expenses include lake expenses, utilities, maintenance, insurance, taxes, etc. If dues become delinquent 90 days, the membership will suspended. In addition the Board of Directors can assess each member his pro rata share of necessary expenses to keep the property in good condition, upon failure of any member to pay his pro rata share within a period of thi rty (30) days after notice he shall stand suspended and shall not have the rights and privileges of membership as enjoyed by those members in good standing. The fact of such suspension for non-payment of assessments shall be entered on the Minute Book of the Club by the Secretary-Treasurer. U pon payment of any such defaulted assessment such suspended member shall be automatically reinstated to good standing in the Club which fact shall also be noted on the Minutes of the Club by the Secretary-Treasurer, provided that if any member shall be ninety (90) days in arrears with his assessment he shall be automatically expelled.
The title of Club property shall vest in the corporation.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a list of all members and their addresses and keep a record of the minutes of every meeting of the Club and shall file a report of all money received and disbursed by him with the President of the Club which shall be open to inspection by any member.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make rules and regulations as to the time fishing may commence, the number of fish that may be caught, and any and all such other rules and regulations as relates to fishing as may be deemed necessary. It shall be their duty, also, to make rules and regulations governing the shooting of ducks and other game on the club property.
The Club shall have the right to try and expel by a three-fourths majority of the membership any member for violation of the By Laws. Any member so tried shall be afforded five (5) days' notice as to the time and place of his trial and shall be apprised of the charges made against him. In the event of expulsion or resignation, the Club shall pay said member the cost of his stock as delivered under Section IV herein.
These by-laws were adopted by a majority vote of the membership.
President – Charles Robinson
Vice President – William Couch
House Chairman – Bryant Banks
Property Chairman – Thomas Roberts